多摩大学 現代の志塾


TOP ゼミ力の多摩大ホームゼミBrian Englishゼミ

English Language Learning and Education

Brian Englishブライアン・イングリッシュゼミ

  • Course Description / 講義の概要

    In this seminar, students will learn about how a second language is learned. Aftercomparing first language acquisition to second language acquisition, students willexamine a variety of methods for teaching English. Students will also enjoy making lessonmaterials for teaching English to young learners. Students will discover how to makewebsites and even videos to design fun educational material and games for lessons. Theseminar also places a great emphasis on English communication and helping studentsunderstand the principles of pragmatics in English communication. A final point ofemphasis is on the role of English in the global community.

    Aspiration / ゼミの「志」

    The motto for this seminar is: Teaching and Learning English is Fun! Through learning avariety of teaching methods, students should develop their ability to teach English tochildren. The seminar also aims to help students gain experience that will help them finda job and improve their own English communication skills.

    Prerequisite/ 事前履修科目等

    1) an interest in teaching English. 2) minimum TOEIC score of350.

    Additional Information/ 留意点

    No term paper. No tests. Students will be graded onparticipation in class discussions and the teaching materialsthey develop.

  • ブライアン イングリッシュ
    ブライアン イングリッシュ
    グローバルスタディーズ学部 教授
    Teaching English and Language Studies

